MOWCF’s Continued Growth

Liberian Orphans

At MOWCF, we’ve been blessed to take care of four beautiful children for the past eight years. During that time, we were able to provide a stable, safe living situation, food, healthcare, and tuition for school. Two of our four children, have now grown and are able to move out of our care. This means, we are able to make room to provide for more children.

            One child MOWCF is taking in is Godgive. Godgive lost his mother at the age of one. He currently lives with his blind father, and due to his disability, he finds it difficult to meet Godgive’s basic needs.  Currently, Godgive is seven years and must accompany his father every day to beg in the street to survive. They live in a deplorable house along the beach that is a host for Zogos (Youth that take drugs). There is a high likelihood that little Godgive becomes a “Zogo” too if he doesn’t receive the right care and attention now. Taking him out of this environment to give him a safe place to live in where he gets care and education is essential.

Angeline is another child MOWCF is looking forward to caring for. She is five years old and is a daughter of a struggling widow who relies on selling kala (country bread) around the neighborhood to feed her 5 kids. This has been a struggle since her husband’s death since there is no extended support from her late husband’s family and with the little earning from the Kala she cannot afford to send any of her kids to school. MOWCF will be able to not only send her to school, but also provide her with all her other essential needs.

Our last new child we get to provide for at MOWCF is Samuel. Samuel lost his father when he was just three years old and was abandoned by his mother after the death of his father. Currently, the location of his mother is unknown. Little Samuel is in the care of his blind grandmother who is forced to beg in the street to provide basic needs for her and her other four grandchildren, who were also abandoned by their mother. If there is any time when she is ill and cannot beg, she and the children go without food. MOWCF can make sure that Samuel has these needs and more taken care of.

We look forward to continuing to help the orphans of Liberia. Like the kids we’ve served before, these kids will have their basic needs met in a stable setting, while also getting access to good education. Most importantly, they will be raised in a Godly environment where they will learn to walk in the ways of the Lord and learn that Yeshua is their savior.
